
Better Communities


We are passionate about supporting our local communities.

The Rising Foundation
The Rising Foundation believes that New Zealand Youth, even those from challenging personal circumstances, are capable of great things. The Foundation pride themselves on creating a nurturing culture and deliver a sophisticated, aspirational programme that enables young people to become their best selves. Acorn Group proudly donate each month to support their cause.

Special Children’s Christmas Party
Each year Acorn Group provide a financial and stock donation to the Special Children’s Christmas Party. Children who suffer from either life threatening illness, physical and intellectual impairment, domestic violence or are living in underprivileged circumstances are invited to an special event where they get yummy food, a day of entertainment and some special Christmas gifts.

Community Sponsorship
Where possible we reduce media and advertising spend to dedicate resource and funds for our local communities. Most notably we sponsor the Beachlands Speed Demon’s Children’s touch team with not only sideline snacks, but new t-shirts annually. Please reach out if you have a children’s sports team which needs sponsorship.

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